About Me

I am a Christian home schooling mom of six, writer, blogger and in all my spare time I love to read.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Demonic Oppression

In researching for my next book, The Myth of Lilith, I came across this list of things that a person can endure when being oppressed by a demon, which is different than being demon posessed. Oppression is when the demonic problems becomes personal and interacts with the victim and the demon's goal being to put a strain on the victim emotionally, physically, and psychologically until the victim feels like they should "give up" more control to the demon. The list is as follows:

Affecting the emotions of the victim
Affecting the thoughts of the victim
Affecting the sleep of the victim
Causing the victim to think they may be hearing voices
Taking over the body of the victim, but not permanently
The victim may think they see things that aren't there
Touching the victim
Scratching or biting the victim

This sounds like how my children sometimes makes me feel! Now, I don't think my children are demonic or anything, but the similarities are amusing!


  1. Hi I have stumbled across your lovely blog and found this post amusing. I'm also a writer....as yet an undiscovered one. I like to read but having only had one son I'm not as busy as you. I am your latest follower.
    Carol from www.facing50withhumour.blogspot.com

  2. Hi Brandie,
    You may want to check this book out: http://andreaspilipus.blogspot.com/2011/02/exorcism-and-deliverance.html

    All the best for your research! :)
